
[混音插件/效果器] Deskew Gig Performer 4 UNLOCKED v4.0.54 MacOSX

admin 发表于 2021-10-4 19:39:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Deskew Gig Performer 4 UNLOCKED v4.0.54 MacOSX
Gig Performer 的这个解锁版本允许您使用任何 AU/VST2/VST3 插件!

随着第 4 版更新,Gig Performer 的用户界面得到了改版,包括新的小部件、鼓垫、延音踏板、触摸屏的优化性能等等。新的全局机架空间允许您在所有机架空间中全局共享您最常用的效果,就像您在 DAW 中一样——但更直观。无需在每个机架空间中插入效果,只需将它们插入全局机架空间一次,您的所有本地机架空间都可以访问它们。新的缩放曲线允许您控制小部件输出的形状或将传入的音符速度转换为新的速度。其他出色的升级包括扩展的虚拟布线视图和本机 MIDI 文件播放器。

无论您是吉他手、键盘手,还是精通效果的鼓手或歌手,Gig Performer 4 都是您在现场表演环境中使用喜爱的软件乐器、放大器模拟器和插件的门户。配有出色的模板,可帮助您入门、从包含的预设中塑造您的音色,或从头开始!

Gig Performer 是唯一的跨平台解决方案,可用于存储您的录音室声音并像在录音室中一样无缝地使用它们进行现场演奏。借助 Gig Performer 4,您可以使用自己喜欢的世界级插件构建理想的键盘和吉他链,并将它们带到任何地方。

体验传统通道条方法的升级。使用前面板和后面板视图,只需按照您想要的方式将插件相互连接,然后自定义设计您自己的面板来控制每个 Rackspace。然后,您可以设计多个变奏,允许为单个 Rackspace 设置多个预设,并立即在歌曲之间或部分与部分之间切换。

GP4 的路由屏幕让您可以轻松放入软件对象,从虚拟乐器到效果器,再到 MIDI 设备和音频接口,快速轻松地在它们之间建立连接。预测加载功能让您可以智能地加载节目的部分内容,显着降低 RAM 和 CPU 使用率,因此即使使用旧笔记本电脑,您也可以自信地进行表演。

版(2021 年 8 月 9 日)

  • 修复了从演出集创建演出不包括全局机架空间和演出脚本的问题。
  • 修正了一个奇怪的速度值的问题,速度范围在 GP-Beta 98​​7 的任何地方都是 20 到 640。
  • 修正了一个问题,即在设置列表视图中锁定/解锁机架空间选择可能会暂时阻止选择不同的机架空间。
  • 映射到全局小部件的本地小部件现在显示全局小部件文本值(如果可用)。
  • 修复了 ChordPro 中移调没有正确应用于和弦中的“根”音符的问题 – 还修复了间距问题。
  • 外部API 现在支持调用启用/禁用全局播放头。• 外部API – 当视图实际上没有改变时不再被错误调用。
  • 根据是本地机架空间还是全局机架空间处于活动状态,更改脚本的菜单项。
  • 修复了在 GP 中明确未使用的通道上发送的 MIDI PC 消息即使启用该选项也不会传递到插件的问题。
  • 修复了在加载新演出文件期间旧歌单仍然可见的问题。
  • 修复了重新加载 INS 文件时崩溃的问题。
  • Midi 文件管理器、GPScript:修复了可能无法正确检测到曲目结尾的问题。
  • 您现在可以在设置切换到特定乐曲部分的命令时通过 MIDI 助手对话框指定程序更改。
  • 修复了当PC 消息快速传入时GP 可能在设置列表模式下崩溃的错误。

This UNLOCKED Version of Gig Performer allows you to use any AU/VST2/VST3 plugins!

Updated with extensive new features
With the Version 4 update, Gig Performer’s user interface gets a facelift, with new widgets, drum pads, a sustain pedal, optimized performance for touch screens, and much more. The new Global rackspace allows you to share your most-used effects globally across all your rackspaces just like you can in your DAW – but even more intuitively. Instead of inserting effects in every rackspace, simply insert them once in the Global Rackspace and all your local rackspaces will have access to them. The new Scaling Curves allow you to control the shape of the output of a widget or convert an incoming note velocity to a new velocity. Other fantastic upgrades include things like an expanded virtual wiring view and a native MIDI File Player.

Made for serious live performers by serious live performers
Whether you’re a guitarist, keyboardist, or even an effects-savvy drummer or vocalist, Gig Performer 4 is your gateway to using your favorite software instruments, amp simulators, and plugins in a live performance setting. Complete with great templates to get you started, sculpt your tone from the included presets, or start from scratch!

The ultimate musical companion for live performance and rehearsals
Gig Performer is the only cross-platform solution for storing your studio sounds and using them as seamlessly for playing live as you do in the studio. With Gig Performer 4, you can build your ideal keyboard and guitar chains with your favorite world-class plugins and take them anywhere.

No more confusing busses, sends, auxes or inserts
Experience a step up from traditional channel-strip approaches. Using the front and back panel views, simply connect plugins to each other any way you want, then custom-design your own Panels to control each Rackspace. You can then design a number of Variations, which allow multiple presets for a single Rackspace, and switch between them instantly from song to song or section to section.

Intuitive routing and rock-solid performance
GP4’s routing screen allows you to easily drop in software objects, from virtual instruments to effects, to MIDI devices and audio interfaces, quickly and easily making connections between them. The Predictive loading feature lets you intelligently load parts of your show, significantly reducing both your RAM and CPU usage so you can perform confidently even with an old laptop.

Version 4.0.54 (Aug 09, 2021)
Fixes and Improvements

Fixed a problem where creating a gig from a setlist did not include the global rackspace nor the gig script.
Fixed a problem with strange tempo values and the tempo range is 20 to 640 everywhere GP-Beta 987.
Fixed a problem where locking/unlocking rackspace selection within the setlist view could temporarily prevent a different rackspace from being selected.
Local widget mapped to global widget now displays global widget text value (if available).
Fixed problem in ChordPro where transposition wasn’t being applied properly to “root” notes in chord – also fixes spacing issue.
External API now supports call to enable/disable global playhead.
External API – no longer gets eroneous call when view didn’t actually change.
Change the menu item for scripting depending on whether local or global rackspace is active.
Fixed a problem where MIDI PC messages sent on a channel that’s explicitly not used in GP were not passed to the plugins even if the option was enabled.
Fixed a problem where the old setlist would still be visible during the load of a new gig file.
Fixed crash when reloading an INS file.
Midi File Manager, GPScript: Fixed a problem where end of a track might not be properly detected.
You can now specify program change through the MIDI Helper dialog when setting a command to switch to specific song parts.
Fixed a bug where GP could crash in the setlist mode when PC messages come in quickly.


Home page - https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/gig_performer_4.html



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