
[铜管] 现代铜管 Heavyocity FORZO Modern Brass v1.1 KONTAKT

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Heavyocity FORZO Modern Brass v1.1 KONTAKT
“如果你不愿意冒险去冒险,那你将不得不接受平凡。” -吉姆·罗恩(Jim Rohn)从约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)到汉斯·齐默(Hans Zimmer),管弦乐队在现代电影配乐时代一直是力量和力量的源泉。 Heavyocity的FORZO:Modern Brass是用该图像制成的。 FORZO由传奇的天行者之声录制,是Heavyocity的世界级声音设计团队的产品,该团队与屡获殊荣的作曲家Jason Graves和好莱坞影星评分工程师Satoshi Mark Noguchi携手合作。这个梦team以求的目标进入了天行者的神圣殿堂:为管弦乐队的铜管创造新的基准。

将世界一流的铜管演奏家史诗般的表演集结起来,是使这种怪兽栩栩如生的第一步。 FORZO的12个圆号,四个小号,八个长号(中音,低音和反低音)和两个大号将25 GB的纯黄铜虚拟乐器功率直接传送给电影作曲家。丛集弯曲和随机颤动等创新性关节以前所未有的方式弯曲了这些部位的肌肉。当您想真正利用这种爆炸性的铜管虚拟乐器时,FORZO的Full Ensemble NKI可以将整个26件铜管乐队(在同一时间,在同一房间演奏)触手可及。您听说过黄铜,但不是这样。 FORZO:现代黄铜确实超越寻常。

作曲家要去哪里获得顶级声音?他们进入世界著名的舞台。天行者之声的主要舞台就是这样。在这里记录了诸如克林特·曼塞尔(Clint Mansel)的《喷泉》(The Fountain)等前沿电影,以及杰森·格雷夫斯(Jason Graves)的《死亡空间2》和史蒂夫·贾布隆斯基(Steve Jablonsky)的《战争机器》的经典游戏。这就是FORZO:演奏家的声音在录制好莱坞最好电影的房间里表演。这种史诗般的声场本身就是一种活生生的呼吸器,它以一种有机的温暖围绕着黄铜,无法通过插件或算法来再现。 Heavyocity的团队前往全国各地,在这个标志性的房间中进行录音,现在,他们正在与您分享这些鼓舞人心的声音。

直到FORZO,从来没有一个管弦乐队的黄铜虚拟乐器可以同时提供三个最先进的黄铜引擎:具有100多个精心录制的发音的庞然大物的传统黄铜引擎,用于音乐遇见声音设计方法的动态Hybrid Cinematic引擎。 ,以及具有400多个与节奏同步的黄铜循环的鼓舞人心的Loop Designer。无论您是编写声明性的号角主题,令人不安的混合下划线,还是正在寻找强大的循环来启动您的合成,FORZO Modern Brass都是您将不断追求的虚拟乐器。

如果没有健全的声音设计,这甚至会成为Heavyocity乐器吗?无论是专有的内部处理技术,还是源于强大的FORZO Modern Brass引擎本身,Heavyocity的声音设计团队在业内都是无与伦比的。配备26件黄铜管弦乐队的Heavyocity团队能够将这些夸张的声源转变为内脏混合管弦乐队,充满了其他管弦乐队铜管虚拟乐器无法比拟的声音能量。

Heavyocity为作曲家开发了由作曲家创作的虚拟乐器……而且FORZO Modern Brass也不例外。与协作,屡获殊荣的作曲家和广受赞誉的Film Score Mixer合作,是为作曲家创建乐器的更好的方法。 Jason Graves(《死亡空间》,《古墓丽影》,《孤岛惊魂》原始人)和Satoshi Mark Noguchi(狮子,午夜专辑,《孤独幸存者》)领悟了Heavyocity团队的远见,并帮助执行了一部鼓舞人心的铜管虚拟乐器,并激发了他们的工作灵感,为您带来Skywalker Sound的标志性血统书。


"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." -Jim Rohn From John Williams to Hans Zimmer, orchestral brass has been a source of force and power in the modern era of film scoring. Heavyocity's FORZO: Modern Brass was made in that image. Recorded at the legendary Skywalker Sound, FORZO is the product of Heavyocity's world-class sound design team joining forces with award-winning composer, Jason Graves, and A-list Hollywood Film Score Engineer Satoshi Mark Noguchi. This dream team entered the hallowed halls of Skywalker with one goal in mind: create a new benchmark for orchestral brass.


Beyond Ordinary
Amassing an epic ensemble of world-class brass players was the first step in bringing this monster to life; FORZO's 12 French horns, four trumpets, eight trombones (tenor, bass, & contra bass), and two tubas deliver 25 GB of sheer brass virtual instrument power straight into the hands of the cinematic composer. Creative articulations like cluster bends and random flutters flex these sections' muscles in a way that you just haven't heard before. And when you want to truly harness this explosive brass virtual instrument, FORZO's Full Ensemble NKI puts the entire 26-piece brass orchestra (playing at the same time, in the same room) at your fingertips. You've heard brass, but not like this. FORZO: Modern Brass is truly beyond ordinary.

Skywalker Sound
Where does a composer go to get premier-level sound? They go to a world-renowned soundstage. And the main soundstage at Skywalker Sound is just that. It's where cutting-edge films like Clint Mansel's The Fountain, and classic games like Jason Graves' Dead Space 2 & Steve Jablonsky's Gears of War's scores were recorded. This is FORZO: the sound of virtuoso players performing in a room where Hollywood's finest films were scored. This epic soundstage is a living, breathing instrument in and of itself, surrounding the brass with an organic warmth that can't be recreated with plugins or algorithms. The team at Heavyocity traveled across the country to record in this iconic room, and now they're sharing these inspiring sounds with you.


Until FORZO, there has never been an orchestral brass virtual instrument that delivers three cutting-edge brass engines in one: a bombastic Traditional brass engine with over 100 meticulously-recorded articulations, a dynamic Hybrid Cinematic engine for a music-meets-sound design approach, and an instantly inspirational Loop Designer, with over 400 tempo-synced brass loops. Whether you're writing declarative horn motifs, unnerving hybrid underscore, or looking for a powerful loop to kick-start your composition, FORZO Modern Brass is the virtual instrument you'll keep reaching for.

Superior Sound Design
Would this even be a Heavyocity instrument without a healthy dose of sound design? Whether it be their proprietary in-house processing techniques, or sourced from the powerful FORZO Modern Brass engine itself, the sound design team at Heavyocity is unparalleled in the industry. Armed with a 26-piece brass orchestra, the Heavyocity team was able to transform these bombastic sound sources into a visceral hybrid orchestra, filled with a sonic energy unparalleled amongst other orchestral brass virtual instruments.

Dream Team
Heavyocity develops virtual instruments that are by composers, for composers...and FORZO Modern Brass is no exception. And what better way to create an instrument for composers than by teaming up with a prolific, award-winning Composer, and an acclaimed Film Score Mixer. Jason Graves (Dead Space, Tomb Raider, Far Cry Primal) and Satoshi Mark Noguchi (Lion, Midnight Special, Lone Survivor) took the Heavyocity team's vision, and helped to execute a vast orchestral brass virtual instrument that is inspiring to work with, and brings Skywalker Sound's iconic pedigree to your score.

25 GB uncompressed (16 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
Available as direct download only
11,475 Samples
237 Snapshot Presets
57 NKAs
107 Articulations
432 Tempo-Synced Loops
9 NKIs
5 Traditional Sections: French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones (Tenor, Bass, Contra Bass), Tubas, Full 26-piece Ensemble
Hybrid Brass Designer
Brass Loop Designer
Intuitive Sample Browser
CYCLE page for advanced granular & rhythmic playback
MACRO knob for dynamic multi-parameter control
Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX

Powered by the Kontakt 5 Engine
Kontakt 5 (Player) ver 5.8 or later
Komplete Kontrol integrated (NKS-ready)
Minimum System Requirements
Mac: OS OS X 10.11, macOS 10.12 or 10.13 (latest update), i5, 4 GB RAM
PC: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 2 GB RAM
An Internet connection and a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.
4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments)

请使用 KONTAKT 5.8 或更高版本打开

Home page:https://heavyocity.com/product/forzo/



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