admin 发表于 2021-12-12 20:07:09

终极参考工具 Mastering The Mix REFERENCE 2 v2.0.1 WiN

Mastering The Mix REFERENCE 2 v2.0.1 WiN
WiN: Team R2R | 15.3 MB
REFERENCE 2 是终极参考工具,可帮助您比以往更接近您喜爱曲目的声音。

REFERENCE 2 使匹配参考轨道的均衡器平衡、立体声宽度、压缩和响度变得简单。它通过为您提供让您的音乐听起来很棒并准备发布所需的清晰且可操作的见解来做到这一点。

REFERENCE 2 is the ultimate referencing tool and will help you get closer than ever to the sound of your favorite tracks.

REFERENCE 2 makes matching the EQ balance, stereo width, compression, and loudness of your reference tracks simple. It does this by giving you the clear, and actionable insights you need to get your music sounding great and ready for release.

Whats New In REFERENCE 2

[*]Complete user interface refresh with user experience and workflow improvements.
[*]Expanded level matching options. You can level match your references to your original track, or the quietest track, or set all tracks to -14LUFS.
[*]Improved EQ balance algorithm that goes deeper into the differences between the tonal balance of your song and your reference track and displays a complete curve.
[*]EQ balance algorithm can display the EQ curve needed to get your mix sounding like your reference, or the inverted difference depending on your preferences.
[*]Stereo width analysis and visual improvements.
[*]REFERENCE now comes with an additional source plugin called REFSEND that allows you to bypass entire FX chains to make loudness-matched A/B comparisons. This keeps you honest with

yourself about the changes you’re making to your music and ensures positive progress.

[*]New metering layout, with peak, dBTP (decibels true peak) LUFS integrated and short-term options.
[*]More accurate and reliable track align algorithm.
Switching between the original and reference track can be midi mapped, allowing switching even when the plugin interface isn’t open or selected.

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